Tuesday, September 22, 2009

So bright and early Thursday morning I get to have surgery:( Although its a good thing, it doesn't mean I have to look forward to it. Its just a simple laparoscopy where they make 3 small incisions and go in there and pop the thing and scrape it out of my ovary. It will be nice not to have that evil mass causing me pain everyday! I watched a couple videos of the surgery because those kinds of things are intriguing to me and it is nice to be able to see what will be going down when I am cut into:) If all goes well I will be back to normal in just a few days. Yay for cyst killing!! I feel like I should throw a party! It has been a pretty intense year so far and this little guy has had a hand in causing multiple heartbreak, not to mention awful periods and out of whack hormones. I am definitely looking forward to feeling normal again, well as normal as possible in my case ;)


  1. Ahhh! That looks awful. Good that you're getting it taken care of though. For some reason the formatting was off and when I viewed it and I missed important information so you'll have to fill me in. This Thursday, right? We'll be sure to send tons of prayers your way!

  2. Why thank you:) I am still getting the hang of this whole blogging thing, but I think I fixed that last problem. Hope you guys are doing well! Ryder is looking so grown up these days!!

  3. Hope that all goes well for you tomorrow! We'll keep you in our prayers.
