Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Flowers and Fish

Yes, one smells better than the other, but I enjoy them both. My friend brought me flowers after my surgery and when they started wilting a bit I cut off most of the stem and stick them all in a small center piece bowl with water. They magically come back to life and last a few days longer. K, so not magically....I think it has something to do with the fact that water can get to the flower faster and easier if it doesn't have to travel up a long drying out stem. Trader Joe's and Costco usually have some really great quality fresh flowers and good prices. K, so onto fish... I made some Halibut tonight topped with cilantro lime shrimp and cheese with sides of wild mushroom risotto and roasted cucumber with garlic herb crumbs seared with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. It was pretty good. I told Jordan I would start cooking again, so I am trying. It is a lot easier in my awesome kitchen. Plus Jordan got me Cutco knives as a sort of house warming slash why don't you gear up to cook again gift:) I love them, its an awesome investment. They have a lifetime warranty and when you want them sharpened they will send someone out to do it for you, for free. I have never cut with such amazing knives, so thanks J, may the cooking continue to last more than just a few days.... I love new fun easy recipes, so if anyone has any for anything send them my way!!

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